Got Resilience? Join our Webinar

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UCD Professional Academy


Stress & Recovery: How to Build Professional Resilience

with Karl Hyden

Join us at 12pm (BST) on April 29th 2020

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to be able to cope under stress and bounce back as if nothing happened? That’s Resilience in action. This free webinar, delivered by Ireland's foremost Mental Toughness practitioner, will give you the practical tools and knowledge to build your Professional Resilience. 

This 2 hour webinar will cover:

  • What is Resilience

  • Resilience in a VUCA & Post Pandemic World

  • The Change & Loss Curve

  • The Stress & Recovery Cycle

  • Your Resilience Bank Account

  • The Benefits of Resilience & Consequences of Low Resilience

  • The Components of Resilience

  • Building Resilience

  • 10 Ways to Build Resilience Now

  • Exercises to Grow Your Resilience

  • Your Resilience Action Plan


    The 10 Ways to Develop Resilience Now, are drawn from evidence based practices and global subject matter experts.


    The course will introduce a number of simple but impactful Resilience Building Exercises that can be done almost anytime, anywhere.


    The course concludes with participants considering their Resilience Action Plan

Register your free place today

Learn how to perform better when exposed to stress, pressure, and challenges, so you can bounce back when it matters most.

Resilience from a Mental Toughness perspective -

I am delighted and honoured to be collaborating with UCD Professional Academy to deliver a content rich, free webinar on Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm (GMT) titled:
Stress & Recovery - How to Build Professional Resilience

Join us to learn more - you can join us from anywhere in the world.

Is this a virtual Lunch & Learn event? Why not!?
Bring your lunch and take a break from all your other Zoom calls while gaining some practical tools that will help you get ready for the marathon ahead.

Learn more and register here:

Last Chance for "Resilience for Results" Training in Ibec

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What if you and your team could:

*reduce absenteeism by up to half?

*bounce back quickly from set-backs, mistakes, & failure

*deal better with stress, pressure, and challenges?

According to a Harvard study (2015):

*Managing difficult relationships in the workplace creates an 80% drain on the resilience of employees

*Challenging pace or work volume creates a 70% drain on employee resilience

*Being challenged on work matters, juggling life and career, upheavals in personal life, and working outside of one’s Comfort Zone each account for between a 40-50% drain on resilience

Mental Toughness and Resilience Training teaches participants to bounce back quickly from set-backs, mistakes, challenges, and failure.

For more information about the Resilience for Results programme, download the brochure here:

Introducing Our New Training Catalogue for SMEs and Family Businesses

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Our sister company - The Family Business Unit, Ireland - has just released a new Training Catalogue of courses for owners and management of SMES and Family Businesses.

In our 2018 Training Catalogue, you will find the range of 1-day courses that we deliver around the Ireland.

Our interactive courses have been designed for the needs of Irish business owners and managers. They draw on international Best Practice and being founded on current theory, they are strong on applicability to the real world of small and medium Businesses.

Each course can be tailored for specific audiences as necessary and include case studies, activities, materials, and active Peer-Learning opportunities.

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Courses for SMEs and/or Family Businesses include:

  • Introduction to Contingency Planning
  • Introduction to Coaching Skills for Leaders

Family Business specific programmes include:

  • Leadership and Formalisation in the Family Business
  • Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • Introduction to Succession Planning
  • Family Business Governance

Through these courses, we help Improve Productivity, Develop Sustainability and Bring Solutions to those problems and opportunities inherent to SMEs and Family Businesses.


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We are proud to be the only company dedicated exclusively to the unique training and develop needs of leaders and stakeholders of small to medium sized Family-run Business in Ireland.

Feel free to download a copy of our Family Business Unit 2018 Training Course Catalog here.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need our content tailored for your company, network, or group.

Emotional Resilience Podcast

Ireland's eminent GP and internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Harry Barry.

Ireland's eminent GP and internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Harry Barry.

Here is an interesting Podcast with Dr. Harry Barry, GP and author taken from today's radio program hosted by Sean O'Rourke on Ireland's RTE Radio 1 today.

In it, Dr. Barry talks about the area of Emotional Resilience, which of course is a close cousin to Mental Toughness and having a Growth Mindset. He gives a number of useful tips and perspectives on what is an essential skill to develop for life in the modern world.

He mentions such things as: Resilience is a skill, how to be your own expert, the benefit of writing down your challenges or difficulties, having an open mind (Growth Mindset), unconditional self acceptance, developing social skills as part of building Resilience. In short, he is promoting his new book: Emotional Resilience.

Enjoy the podcast - let me know any comments or questions that you have!

And as always, if you would like to know more about how to develop your Emotional Resilience, Mental Toughness, or a positive Growth Mindset, get in touch for a no obligation chat.

Simply send me an email at or send me a message through LinkedIn or Facebook.



"Resilience for Results" launches 1st May in Ibec

Registration open now for Resilience for Results Programme in Ibec, Dublin running 1st - 3rd May 2018. Places are limited.

Registration open now for Resilience for Results Programme in Ibec, Dublin running 1st - 3rd May 2018. Places are limited.

Delighted to announce that I will be delivering Ibec's new Resilience for Results programme. This is a unique 2 day + 2 coaching session training course running 1-3 May 2018 in Ibec, Dublin. Download the brochure at the end of this post.

The Resilience for Results Programme enables participants to understand the context within which they work and how best to perform under pressure and improve well-being.

Participants will learn about Mental Toughness and how applying this particular approach to challenge, stress, and pressure can result in greater tenacity, a positive ‘can do’ attitude, and increased personal resilience under pressure.

This Programme comes with a workbook which enables participants to personalise the Programme to their needs as well as providing information about tools and techniques.

Participants will gain understanding of:

  • The organisational and personal context for Resilience
  • Current personal levels of Resilience using the MTQ48 Mental Toughness measure
  • The nature of challenge, the sources of stress and pressure, and the consequences of these on performance and well-being
  • Individual strengths and development needs in dealing with stressors, pressure, and challenges

As well as:

  • Tools and techniques to deal and/or cope with stressors and challenges – including the opportunity to practice them
  • Create a Personal Resilience Action Plan

This Programme is designed to meet the needs of all levels of management and is aimed at developing knowledge and personal skills in this critical area. Therefore, those attending should currently occupy managerial roles or expect to move into managerial positions.

Please feel free to share this course information.

About Karl Hyden

Karl is a Mental Toughness Coach and Mentor with more than 30 years experience in Human Resources, training, mentoring, coaching and education. He is a Master level Coach and to date has supported more than 3,000 business owners, professionals, and leaders from 31 countries.

Karl has a MSc in HR Management, undergraduate & graduate degrees in Performance. 

Karl is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (FCIPD), Fellow of the Irish Institute of Training & Development (FIITD), and a member of the Institute of Directors and the International Coach Federation.

Did You Know That Your Mindset Could Do This?

Here's a cute and short video that describes some of the aspects of Growth and Fixed Mindsets.

Here's a cute and short video that describes some of the aspects of Growth and Fixed Mindsets.

You might remember my Facebook post a while back where I mentioned that I was delivering a course locally on the topic of Mindset.

Basically, when you boil down everything and look at every approach, it comes down to whether we are in one of two Mindsets: a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset.

Now, I won’t go into huge detail here – that’s a topic for another post, or video, or even an online course… But, briefly -

A Fixed Mindset tends to be more pessimistic, being concerned with not getting things wrong, avoiding mistakes at all costs, and believes that we are failures if we don’t get the activity or event “right”. Basically, I believe that if I can’t do something, I’ll never be able to do it – end of story.

As you can imagine, there is a lot of negative self-talk with Fixed Mindset and the Inner Critic looms large (btw, if you're an Introvert like me, you'll also have a superior ability for retrospection and a highly developed inner world. Yes, we Introverts are VERY good being in a Fixed Mindset 😊).

In contrast, a Growth Mindset tends to be more practical or optimistic, believing that we can handle what comes our way – and if we fail, we believe that we can learn from it and do better next time.

A Growth Mindset focuses on the process and doing that to the best of our abilities and is less concerned with perfection of outcomes. It is concerned with learning from mistakes, improving performance, and runs self-talk that is encouraging, kind, patient, and supportive.

There's a bit more to it than that - but that is enough of a description to wet your appetite...


Do you recognize these Mindsets in your own work and life? In yourself or in others?

Which Mindset do you notice you or others adopting in particular work situations? How well does the Mindset lend itself to achieving the desired outcome for that situation?

Tip: As you may have already guessed, we move back and forth between these Mindsets depending on the circumstances we are in at the time.

But the interesting thing is – and this was what I was teaching in my Mindset course – is that you can choose which Mindset you use in a given situation.  The fancy phrase for this is "Self Directed Neuroplasticity" (drop that one in at your next conversation coffee break at work!)

What this means is that you are not always at the mercy of external circumstances, people, situations, etc that determine your Mindset as Fixed or Growth.

No, instead, you can choose your Mindset depending on which one gets you closer to a particular goal. And even better, practice makes perfect - you can practice particular ways of thinking that will begin to replace the unhelpful thoughts that might be getting in your way. That's pretty amazing - we can rewire our thinking to get different and more desirable outcomes.

“How?” you ask.

Well, again, that’s a topic for another time – but the important thing is to begin noticing which Mindset you are occupying in a given situation and ask yourself:

“Is this the Mindset that will get me what I want?”

If not -

1) begin catching the unhelpful thoughts that might be getting in the way

2) decide what better, more helpful thoughts would be, and keep repeating those until they become automatic

"That's easy for you, Karl - but very difficult for me", you say.

"And that's a brilliant example of a thought that is from a Fixed Mindset", I'd say. "How can you turn that around a bit to be more helpful and therefore from a Growth Mindset perspective?", I'd continue. "And by the way, that's no more easy or difficult for me than it is for you. I have to keep working at it and changing how I think, too - so you're not the only one", I'd say.

"How about: 'That's challenging for me, but I will keep at it because I know it will get easier over time'?", I'd offer to you.

"Yes, that makes a lot of sense and it's not as difficult as I thought", you reply.

So – two more questions for you:

Do you get stuck sometimes in a Fixed Mindset at work?

Would you benefit from some tips on how to shift from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset?

Then as one of my subscribers, I have just the thing for you!

It’s called a Leverage Your Introversion session – this is a FREE, no obligation 45-minute coaching session with me.

I’ve found that this is a great way to help people to get unstuck and breakthrough a challenge that is stopping them from getting the success they want.

For example – I mentioned a client named Richard a while ago.

Richard was stuck because of his Fixed Mindset at work. He -

  • operated only on his own
  • didn’t speak up in meetings
  • flip flopped and overthought his decisions

– it was driving his colleagues bonkers – all due to his Fixed Mindset…

In his FREE 45-minute Leverage Your Introversion session, Richard learned to access his Growth Mindset and be flexible in his thinking and behavior at work.

Now he:

  • gets on famously with his colleagues
  • has developed greater mutual trust and respect with his colleagues
  • works better in collaboration and helps his team meet their targets consistently
  • has become more decisive and not afraid to “get things wrong”

And what about you? Want to make that breakthrough, too? And if not now, then when?

I only make a few time slots available for these “Leverage Your Introversion” sessions – so I strongly encourage you to grab some time in my calendar before the spots are all taken.

Don’t delay doing now what you need in order to have the success that you deserve in the very near future!

Click the button below and let’s talk!

I look forward to talking with you soon.

Hot Off the Presses - Podcast Link

Curious about what makes Karl tick? How I got into coaching, Introverts, and Mental Toughness? Then you might find this podcast interesting.

Hot off the press - Enjoy my interview by Colm Roche on The Truth of It Podcast - let me know what you think...

Here's Colm's intro:

This week Karl Hyden joined the show, a Mental Toughness coach who has worked with over 3,000 professionals from over 31 countries to help them gain control of their introversion and cultivate a mindset that allows for success.

It was great to tap into Karl's brain during this episode. He cut through the misconceptions, some of which I had, about introversion and Mental Toughness.…/3-karl-hyden-the-truth-of-it-pod…/

The Truth of It

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I was honored and delighted to be interviewed today by Colm Roche about all things Introverted and Mentally Tough on 'The Truth of It' Podcast. I will post the link to the interview as soon as it is available!

'The Truth of It’ is a weekly podcast series uncovering the untold stories behind some of the most successful entrepreneurs, influencers and authors from around the world.

Each week listeners learn about the challenges, struggles, failures and mistakes behind their success so that they can overcome the set backs happen in their own life.

Thanks Colm!

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Growing from Discomfort

Here is a lovely quick video from Kelly McGonigal talking about how we can reinterpret stretching outside our Comfort Zone less as a threat, and more as a benefit.

It's all about understanding and reframing the physical sensations that we are feeling when we begin to stretch beyond what is the norm for us mentally and emotionally.

This is so important: understand that the discomfort is just a physical sensation. This awareness keeps us from misunderstanding and personalizing the discomfort as if it were a threat to our safety or survival.

The discomfort we find in the "stretch outside the norm" is just information, not an invitation to be triggered into Fight, Flight or Freeze or become angry, or threatened, or give up, or give in, or anything like that. It is not a signal that there is something wrong with us fundamentally as a person.

It is just our biology telling us that something new and different is happening. So lean into the discomfort. Become comfortable with the discomfort.

Welcome the discomfort because it means you are growing.

So, how do you handle the discomfort of being stretched outside your Comfort Zone at work? Does it get in your way? Do you need to develop a different approach?

I can help. Schedule a time for us to talk and I'll tell you more...

New Year / New Mindset Information Session


This morning saw the launch of the new programme "New Year / New Mindset" with an Information Session in B2A Mitchelstown.

Karl Hyden, Mental Toughness Coach and Principal of Kadenza GPS, facilitated the session.

Participants learned about the content of the new course which included discussion of things such as:

  • Dealing with Negative Thoughts and Self Criticism
  • Understanding the Difference Between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset
  • Creating Daily Mindset Routines to Strengthen a Growth Mindset
  • How to Get In, Stay In and Get Back into a Growth Mindset once you've slipped out

and more....

The 4 Session New Year / New Mindset course will launch on the 17th February, 11.15am in B2a Mitcheltown. The cost of the course is €39 which will include materials.

A few places are still available for the course - contact Karl Hyden on 087 625 7779 to book a place on the course.  Hurry to avoid disappointment.


Carlow Family Businesses Ready for the Unexpected

Family Business Unit, Ireland were delighted today to deliver their Introduction to Contingency Planning for Family Business workshop today in Local Enterprise Office Carlow offices, Enterprise House, Carlow.

The Contingency Planning course is one of the Family Business Unit’s signature courses and LEO Carlow was the first LEO in Ireland to offer the programme to their clients.

The workshop covered such topics as:

  • The Family Business Dynamic
  • Effects of Unexpected Events on Stakeholders
  • Contingencies & De-Railers
  • Emergency Team Planning
  • Personalising the Contingency Plan

From the course, participants gained:

  • Enhanced skills & deeper awareness
  • Shared experience from Peers and Best Practice
  • Effective Tools and Processes that can be implemented immediately

Many of the 10 participants on the course came from the same local Family Businesses which provided an unprecedented opportunity for them to begin and agree their Emergency and Contingency Planning on the day.

Family Business Unit, Ireland hope to offer similar programmes in Carlow in the future.

For more information on the range of Family Business training programmes offered by the Family Business Unit, Ireland – contact us here.

Family Business Training with Carlow Local Enterprise Office

Great News Carlow Family Businesses! 
If you missed us in November, here's another chance!

We're excited to be invited back to beautiful Carlow to deliver the FREE Contingency Planning Workshop for Family Business on:

Friday, 9th February - Only a few places remaining!

The Workshop is FREE, but placed are very limited, so contact TJ in the Carlow LEO office to reserve your place to avoid disappointment!

For more information: Contact LEO Carlow on 059 912 9783 or via their website:…/Co…/LEO-Courses-Events.html


These questions might help you decide if this course is of benefit to your Family Business:

- Do You Own a Family Business?

- Do You Work as a Key Member of a Family Business?

- How Would Your Family Business Survive Without You?

- Are you ready if your Family Business suddenly lost key leadership, talent, or a market due to an Unexpected Major Event?

-Do You Have a Contingency Plan in Place -Just in Case?

Who should attend this workshop: 
Family Business Owners, Next Generation, Shareholders, Non-family Management, and Professional Advisers.

Don't Miss Out! Book your place today!

New Year / New Mindset: Are You Ready?

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Coming in February to B2A Gym in Mitchelstown - the New Year / New Mindset is a pilot course run by Mental Toughness Coach, Karl Hyden.

The course is an answer to the requests of many B2A members for help with maintaining a positive mindset to help them stick with their training, eating plans, etc. 

This unique course is the first of it's kind in the area and will help its participants to:

  • Develop a strong positive mental attitude
  • Deal with negative thoughts and self criticism
  • Develop the ability to remain goal focused during periods of discomfort

For more information on how to participate in the New Year / New Mindset course, contact Karl Hyden on 087 625 7779.

Why Self Compassion Matters

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As a Mental Toughness Coach, clients look at me a little funny when I start talking about Self-Compassion. "Isn't that the opposite of Mental Toughness?" some say to me.

No - in fact, for me, Mental Toughness is about developing resilience, mental strength, and psychological / emotional flexibility - not about being hard on yourself. Most of us are too hard on ourselves - attempting to motivate ourselves with self criticism and harsh thoughts. In my experience, that doesn't work very well and can often lock us down, demotivate, and dis-empower us - which is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve.

Instead, I have found that Self-Compassion, patience and kindness towards self, is the antidote to lock down, to de-motivation and dis-empowerment. I guarantee that you will develop your Mental Toughness by being Self-Compassionate instead of Self-Critical.

Why not try it (consistently) and see what the difference is? Feel free to get in touch if you want to start a conversation about it. I look forward to hearing from you.

Here's the original article from that inspired my post.

Hear What They Say, Listen for What They Mean

This video presents an interesting perspective.

Many of us are very skilled at listening - of really hearing what the other person is saying in their words and body language. And because of this, the other person feels heard, acknowledged, and validated.

But some of us are reluctant to respond by saying what we think and feel - holding back possibly because our inner critic is telling us that we might be wrong, or if we were to offer our input we would risk social embarrassment or rejection.

As you may have heard me say before - your inner critic is trying to protect you in some way by trying to influence you to remain small and safe.

The antidote for this is to simply 'thank' your inner critic (which of course is just an aspect of your personality) for trying to keep you safe, but that it's contribution is not necessary or helpful in the current situation. YOU are the one in charge, not the critic.

Getting back to the topic of speaking up, in my experience, our insights and perceptions are often exactly what the other person wants and needs to hear. If you are uncomfortable speaking up, then name that feeling ("I feel a bit uncomfortable saying this to you, but...") and then just speak up and say the thing. It doesn't matter if it comes out jumbled or not perfect - you can tweak it after you say it.

But DO say it - not speaking up robs the other person of your insight and perspective but also puts a hole in your Self Worth Bucket because you have just invalidated yourself. It also hides your value to others, and dents your self confidence. This creates a negative feedback loop in your self talk, your emotions and your self image.

Why are some people reluctant to speak up? Some of it may be related to social or performance anxiety, but not necessarily (and please remember, as I have said before - people who are Introverted are not automatically socially anxious - social anxiety is treatable a medical condition and unrelated to Introversion, which is an aspect of personality - so beware of projecting or accepting the stereotype of the socially anxious Introvert that avoids other humans - that is simply not the norm or an aspect of Introversion or even an accurate or helpful stereotype).

No, I believe that reluctance to speak up comes from the different way that our Introvert brain processes thoughts. When we are more extroverted, our brain processing is more direct - we think/feel it and immediately say it, often without adequate filtering. And when we are working from our more Introverted aspect of our personality, our brain does a more considered processing through various areas of our brain. Some of the ports of call for our thoughts to travel is through the parts of the brain that considers the meaning of the thought, as well as the ones which weigh up risks and finally, the area that tends to take things personally. In other words, "if I say this, how will it affect me?"

So my advise is:
-Listen - really connect and hear the other person
-Notice what your response is to what the other person is saying
-Respond instinctively by saying what you are thinking/feeling before your thought gets over processed and you begin to personalize it
-Repeat, repeat, and repeat

Let me know how you get on!

If you'd like to find out more about what I do, or about how developing your Mental Toughness can benefit you in your work and life, hit the link below and schedule a time for us to chat.

It's free and there is no obligation.


The Outside Perspective

The Outside Perspective - 
This video sums up very nicely the value of working with a coach or mentor.

But what I would add is this question: Have you heard of the Johari Window?

It is the idea that there are 4 different aspects to us: 
The Known -
1) the parts about me that you and I are both aware of; 
2) the private parts within me that only I am aware of;

The Unknown -
3) the parts of me that neither you nor I are aware of; and
4) the parts of me that you are aware of, but that I am not aware of

So much of our vast potential for personal and professional growth lies in the Unknown areas of the 3rd and 4th Aspects - because the 1st and 2nd Aspects are already known to us.

But the 3rd and 4th Aspects are untapped - like a huge unlimited resource.

So, those frustrations and blocks that you experience in your work and life? The solutions lie in this huge unlimited resource within you - just outside your current awareness.

A good Coach or Mentor knows how to help you become aware of this huge resource within you, so that you develop and grow - transferring what was once only "potential" into actual ability, awareness, knowledge and confidence.

Want to know how to tap into your potential and the solutions that you seek?

Hit the link below and schedule a time for us to chat.

95% of Irish Business Have No Brexit Plan

What?? 95% of Irish businesses still with no Brexit plan?

According to Aidan Gough of InterTrade Ireland, their latest Business Monitor shows that 95% of business in Ireland do not have a plan for Brexit.

Today’s news article shows how ill prepared Irish businesses are for Brexit – but Brexit is only the tip of the iceberg and only one of MANY situations that Family Businesses have not yet planned for – like Succession AND the various Contingencies, Emergencies, and What If’s that must be taken into account and prepared for.

Our courses and coaching interventions you give a way to navigate through uncertain and unfamiliar situations – as well as how to harness the power of the Family Relationships in the Family Business.

Don’t jeopardize the future of the Family Business by delaying being prepared for the inevitable. We can lead you through the process step by step.

Contact us to find out more.


Here’s the link to the article by Donal O’Donovan in today’s Irish Independent Business Brexit section: